Am I the only one?

Okay, I know most of you out there have children that have already started school. My sister lives in Georgia and her children are back to school already. So as you all know I love my kids to pieces and would sacrifice my life to give them one. However, I feel like this has been one of the longest summers ever. My children do not go back to school until September 6. If you are like me with a ton of kids at home you know the pain is real. I feel like a small child when my husband comes home from work so excited. Yes to see him because he’s home, but mainly due to the children driving me insane all day.

The morning starts out wonderfully, mommy helping the younger children get their breakfast, laundry, cleaning you know the usual. Making my videos if needed and working on filling orders. Most of this time I only have one teen awake and chores done. Getting ready to leave the house to spend time with friends. Yeah the other two teens pretty much sleep until after 1 pm. What the heck it’s summer right. So the older children are out of the house one is nearly 23 and the other a sophomore in college. So around mid to late afternoon, those two little sweet angels of mine. My youngest two lovelies start in on each other. They have to argue, they have to be in charge, they have to bring me into the arguments. They are like a little old couple. Then oh no don’t let Kameron have a friend that is mutual friends with Autumn come over. Because then the jealous mean sister comes out. Mom tell Kam to play with me, I’m his sister. Then I have to say, “it’s ok for him to have friends besides you honey. He still loves you and you can play with him when they are gone.” So my poor son has trouble on his hands as they get older. I just feel sorry for his future girlfriend.

So that isn’t the end of it. Do you remember when I said I begin my day by cleaning. Well let me tell you why. Those two teens that I told you sleep all day. Well seems that they get up around 2 or 3 am eating and leaving the mess for someone else to clean. Turning every single light in the house on as well as the t.v.s and video games. Why? you may be asking. When you figure it out please let me know. No matter how many times I harp about the mess and the lights it never seems to work. So the only solution to my pain is for school to start. At least from the time the last two kids go to school until 2ish when the first two kids come home. I will have peace, quiet, a clean house with all the lights OFF.

Sad that after being a parent almost 23 years its the little things that satisfy me. It’s sad that all I want is a little peace, a clean house and low electricity bills. Well if you have as many kids as I do 6 boys and 1 daughter you will understand this post very well.

Until September 6th I will be in a house with children who argue, leave lights on, sleep until the afternoon, and talk until all I want to do is go in my room lock my door and wait for daddy to get home. Though I wish this I would never do this. I have to be a mom and just deal with it all and love my kids until the end. Which I do though sometimes I have to vent.

-Nika xoxo

My Health Is Ruining My Holiday Spirit!

Ok so if you follow my blog or my YouTube channel, or even if you know me personally. You know I deal with a great deal of health issues on a regular basis. One to which is low white blood count levels which cause me to catch any type of infection that comes in the house. I’ve already gotten to the point where I don’t like leaving the house for fear of coming in contact with someone who may be ill or carrying a virus. I am cautious of who comes to the house for fear they may be ill or again carrying a virus. All of this leads to what I have been dealing with these last few days.The last time I felt this was the beginning of the school year. What am I feeling you ask?

Well the more air I try to put into my lungs (inhalers) the less I feel like I am getting out. I have taken 2 breathing treatments so far today along with both my inhalers. None of my other remedies I normally use are working for me today. On top of that after every breathing treatment my body becomes really shaky. My heart is breaking because all I want to do is be able to get up and do the things I use to do 5 years ago with my children. I feel like such a loser sometimes because I spend more time down and sick than I am up and functioning. I know I have to take advantage of my the good days. Which I do, I would just rather have more good days than bad….

I am trying my best to maintain my holiday spirit. I am getting really excited when I think about how happy the children are going to be on Christmas day. That makes my spirits extremely high and really that is all that should matter to me. However I had so many plans for craft projects, sewing projects and cooking recipes I wanted to do with the family for my blog and YouTube channel. The problem is I feel like I am letting so many people down because I just haven’t been well enough to do any of it.
