Dollar Tree Haul November 2017

When it comes to making simple DIY’s for the holiday’s the first place I stop is Dollar Tree. They always have the simple items I need and best of all they are only $1. So I can always get more than I would at a big box store. Below is just some of the items I purchased for my upcoming holiday DIY’s.

~Nika xoxo

Pop Fit Clothing Review

Hey Everyone,
I know a lot of you are true to Fabletics and yeah I use to be too. However, when I come across another company it doesn’t hurt to try them out. I came across Pop Fit clothing and decided to try them out and yes, I like them. To me the quality of their items are great. No, they don’t have as many options as Fabletics. Nor, do you get a complete outfit either. However, you do get a great price for what I feel is quality Athletic Wear.

~Nika xox

Thinking about a different aspect of things

Yesterday I brought an idea I was having to my husband. I think it will be a lovely idea and want to put all I can into making it happen. My husband is the type of person to ask a million questions when it comes to business ideas. Sometimes its annoying but for the most part it makes me think deeper into my idea. Which in turn allows me to decide if it is the proper decision to make. What I want to do may not always be the best thing but in this case. I do believe it will work. Also I believe it will be a new fashion service to the world. Now I need to do my research.