DIY Cardboard Tombstone!

Hello Everyone,

I really enjoyed making these tombstones for Halloween out of boxes I had laying around the house. I actually never realized it would be so simply and easy to make them. Even better, once it stops raining and being wet here I can spray paint them and they will look so much better. In the meantime, I hope you like this tutorial. If you try them make sure to share your pictures with me, I would love to see them. Make sure to watch the video to the end.

If this DIY is not for you then check out some items I found on Amazon.

DIY Halloween Lollipop Spiders | Mummy Crafts!

Hello Everyone,

I always love getting into the fall season when I get to create tons of crafts. It’s just something about the cool weather that makes me want to create. It is slightly early to be thinking about Halloween but, I just can’t help myself. Below is a video showcasing just 2 simple ideas that I had to decorate lollipops. These tutorials are fun for adults and kids alike. I hope you like them too. Also, I provide step by step instructions on how to assemble the crafts.

~Nika xoxo

For the mummy. I use a toilet paper roll. I start off by placing a bottom on the roll to make sure whatever we put inside doesn’t fall out.
Next, we take scraps of fabric or streamer and begin wrapping it around the roll to give the appearance of a mummy being wrapped. It Doesn’t have to be perfect and I actually like the frayed scruffy look of the mummy.
Finally, we place the googly eyes on with the glue gun to secure the eyes on the fabric. Make sure to leave the top part open to place the treats inside. After you can close it off or leave it open. These would be great for a party, handing out to trick or treaters or simply decorations around the house.

You can check out how to make the spider legs for the lollipops in the video below.