This was a really fun craft to do. It all started with some soup cans and crafts from the Dollar Tree. Watch the video to the end to see how everything turned out.
Tag: diy
DIY Cardboard Tombstone!
Hello Everyone,
I really enjoyed making these tombstones for Halloween out of boxes I had laying around the house. I actually never realized it would be so simply and easy to make them. Even better, once it stops raining and being wet here I can spray paint them and they will look so much better. In the meantime, I hope you like this tutorial. If you try them make sure to share your pictures with me, I would love to see them. Make sure to watch the video to the end.
If this DIY is not for you then check out some items I found on Amazon.
DIY Felt Flowers
Hey Everyone,
It has been a long week for me already with getting the kids back to school. I am so ready for the weekend it’s not even funny. I have been working hard on getting content for my shop. These felt flowers are one of the many things that will be available for sell on hairbows and headbands. If you are like me and like to create. This video is simple and easy. You will be making a ton of these felt flowers in no time. If not, I will be announcing when my shop will be updated with all the new lovely pieces I plan on adding. I hope you like them.
~Nika xoxo
Items in the video: Circle Template, Felt Fabric, Roll-Over Elastic, Glitter Sheets, Flatback Pearls
DIY Princess Dress Invitations
Hello Everyone,
This is a request from a viewer on my YouTube channel I have a previous video of a Princess Dress Invitation but I thought it was time for a new one anyway. This was so easy to make and can be decorated in so many ways. I hope you all like the video. For step-by-step instructions let me know and I will add it to the blog soon. ~Nika xoxo
DIY: Prom Corsages
Hey everyone, Today we made some corsages from fake flowers, a little satin ribbon, a bracelet cuff and more. These are easy to make and can be made in different ways. Let me know what you think and don’t forget to comment and share your corsages with me. ~Nika xoxo
DIY Easter Egg Banner!
Hello Everyone, Today we are making an Easter Egg Banner made from felt, ribbon, and button. This is a really easy and fun project to work on by yourself, or with kids. All you will need is the supplies I listed above along with anything else you may want to use. Oh, and let’s not forget the egg-shaped stencil to trace onto the felt. But… if DIY’s are not for you click here to purchase a banner of your own. ~Nika xoxo
DIY: How To Add Glitter To A Wine Glass!

Today I finally got around to making some decorative wine glasses for myself .
I have made these glasses for myself before and used different methods and some of the same. The process of making these are simple and easy. I like to use Mod Podge when putting glitter on my glasses as well for a sealant over the glitter.

Next comes the fun part. Adding the decorations. This process is where you can really showcase your talents and creativity. I like to play around by mix and matching certain decorations together. You will be surprised at the items you think don’t work well together, actually do work well together.

To see the full tutorial make sure to watch the video below. Until next time. Bye Loves ~ Nika xoxo
DIY Glam Jewelry Holder |Dollar Tree
I am re-organizing my side of the bedroom so I feel the need to share some of these diy’s with you. Today I made some glam jewelry holders. I hope you like them and try them for yourself. And if you are not a person who is a diy’er you can always purchase something similar.
DIY: Southern Style Hairbow
Hey Everyone, I love making hairbows and this cute Valentine’s Day Large Hairbow is just adorable. I hope you will love it too. Don’t forget to leave me a comment. I used 3 ” grosgrain ribbon (white) an alligator clip and for the