Firmoo Glasses Review

Hello Everyone,

Today I bring to you a review I did on a pair of glasses from They are an online company you can order prescription glasses and lens or simply reading glasses. This is a company I am happy to recommend to all of you. I have several children in my home who wears glasses and its nothing like one of them breaking a pair and having to spend well over $200 to replace them. After coming across this online company, I am happy that I can now order a spare pair of glasses for my children. Without spending a great deal of money on them. Check out my video below as well if you are interested, go check them out they are running a special offer right now.

$4.95 a pair for new customers Here (frame+ standard lens, Limited Quota)

~Nika xoxo

Back To School Clothing Hauls 2017!

This was haul was the last bit of clothing I purchased for the youngest two. I love shopping deals and getting great prices. With this haul, I was able to do just that. These stores are some of my most favorite stores to shop for the kids.

Stores I purchased from:
TJ Maxx
The Children’s Place