Tag: mommy bloggers
Home Hair Color | Loreal Feria 40 Deeply Brown
Hey Y’all,
For practically a year now I’ve been toying with the idea of changing my hair color. I wanted to do something really extreme but I decided not to. I did, however, give my husband 4 options to choose from and the one he decided on is
L’Oreal Feria Multi-Faceted Shimmering Colour 40 Deeply Brown. Below is the video of my dying my hair. Let me know what you think.
~Nika xoxo
Take Chances!
So many things have gone on in our lives the last few years. What I’ve learned is; some things are out of life’s control. My life has been a world wind of ups and downs and back around again. Though through those times. I’ve learned to take chances. I use to be so afraid of what could happen, what wouldn’t happen or how others would feel. However, I can tell you nearly losing your life can change all of that. Nothing can open your eyes more than waking up from something you were supposed to die from. Through the last 4 1/2 years I stop being afraid of what could be or what might be and I have learned to just go with it. From my blog to my YouTube channel to writing my books. I have learned that I will never know what can be if I don’t try. I stop doubting myself and just go with it. One thing I know for sure you never know what can happen unless you try.
I decided from that moment I left the hospital 4 1/2 year ago. If something is meant to be; it will be. With the support of my husband and my children I have learned to take chances. Greatest decision in my life! So I say to you…. Take a chance!
Follow Your Dreams!
I know with my last post I was fearful of submitting my book. However if you have noticed from my Instagram post as well as my YouTube videos. I submitted it and I received the proof to analyze. I have a few changes to make. However once I do that, my book will be available for sale. I use to think I was getting to old to follow my dreams. So, I stopped trying to accomplish my goals.
When I received my proof, I couldn’t be happier. My dream of being an author was coming true. That accomplishment let me know that you are never too old to follow your dreams. Rather the book is a hit or a fail. The point is I started it and followed through to the end.
My advice to you is follow your dreams. Sometimes the sacrifices you make to get to those dreams are well worth it.