For the longest time, I have been cutting all my leather hair bows by hand. I knew it was a way or should be a way to cut them with my Silhouette Cameo. And what do you know, there is. Now, I’m going to share with you how I did so.

The first step is by finding a template or pattern. I just did a Google search to find a template and used the trace feature in my Silhouette to resize my bow template. If you don’t know how to use the trace feature I have a post showing you how to do so. How to use trace feature in Silhouette Cameo!
Above you will see the proper setting to cut leather fabric with Silhouette. For the material setting I chose the Leatherette setting, the blade setting is 10, speed is set to 3, force is 33 and passes I chose 2. I also used the fabric blade also set that to 10. Once that is all set then go ahead and cut. Once you have it cut go ahead and put it together like you normally would.