My Birthday!

Today I sit back and reflect on all the things I have gone through, been through and still going through in life. It’s been one wild journey I can tell you that. But I am so grateful for this life. Everything tragedy, every once of sadness, happiness, loss and gain is leading me to where I am supposed to be.

Life is a precious thing. So much can be lost and so much can be gained in a matter of moments. All I can say is that I cherish each everything and embrace like a champ. So as I celebrate another year of life that almost wasn’t twice over. I give all thanks to God for waking me up and leading me to my purpose.

~Nika xoxo

Make Legit Money With Clout Pay!

Hello Everyone,

So I came across this website that allows you to earn money through referrals and by completing a task. It’s pretty simple and easy. The best part is you earn $2 for every person that clicks on your link and $10 for each person that signs up under you. To me, that is easy money. Below are a screenshot and video showing my dashboard and earnings so far on Clout Pay! Try it out for yourself and tell me what you think. I will leave updates as I continue to utilize this website. CLICK HERE to get started today!