Silhouette Mint Unboxing & Tutorial!

Hey Everyone,

I am so glad I finally purchased the Silhouette Mint! This is going to be an added bonus to my home office. Being able to create my own stamps without spending a ton of money for custom stamps, is absolutely amazing. Watch the video below to see what comes in the box along with a tutorial.

Free Fonts:

For Silhouette Mint
Click Here
~Nika xoxo

Camping Haul & Tips!

When I think of camping, I think of camping outdoors. Not this time. When Autumn and I went camping with Girl Scouts this year and last. We had dorms which housed cabins with bunk beds, showers, indoor toilets and of course heat/AC. This is not always the case for campers. Either way here is a video with some items and tips that may help you on your camping trip this year. Comment and let me know how you camp!

-Nika xoxo