Chris is Gone….

So on August 12th around 6 a.m. Greg drove Chris to college. It was a very sad moment for me because due to troubles with the rental car service. I was unable to go. Not only was I extremely sad for that reason my baby was going to college. With him playing football there is no telling when we will see him again. Possible Christmas because he could possibly have a game during the Thanksgiving holiday. I thought I would get away without tears however that was not so. As soon as I went to kiss him farewell the tears began to roll down my face. I’ve been trying to keep my mind off the fact he is gone but its really hard. As well last night 8-14-15 Kameron had a breakdown a serious one. He was so use to having Chris home. He would wrestle with him and Autumn when he came home from school and they were like his little buddies. It’s hard when the little ones have to deal with such a huge change. And the last thing Kam said was “How long is college?” When he found out it was 4 years he was completely devastated. Poor little guy!

So my advice to parent going through the same thing. I just told my little Kam and Autumn just because he isn’t in the house anymore. Doesn’t mean he can’t call or text. And most importantly he will always be on your mind and in your heart. The best thing to do with younger siblings even if you think they aren’t that close is to talk with them weeks in advance. Prepare everyone as much as possible for the change. As well tell the older sibling who is leaving to remember their siblings. Even though they have this new found freedom they still have siblings at home. I have always told my children that family is above eveything. When their father and I are gone, all they have is one another. It is really hard for one of the children to leave the house but you can adapt and learn to overcome the situation.

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