Mom Life Isn’t Always Sunshine & Rainbows!

Hello Everyone,

Guys, I have been extremely sleepy for the last few weeks and today wasn’t any different. Last night I had to do a home sleep study test which required me to lay on my back. Should be no problem right? Wrong! The problems I have with laying on my back is; either one it restricts my breathing or two I start choking. Either way it causes me to wake up more often then I want to. I’ve also been dealing with the average its summer kids don’t clean properly or leave their things everywhere problems. No big deal right? Wrong! I don’t have babies living here anymore. All the children are well capable of cleaning up after themselves but why should they. When they have a mother that can’t stand a hot mess of a house. So, of course you know I clean up when I shouldn’t. I always overdo, over spoil, over clean and so on and so forth. That’s just who I am. What can I say I don’t like a messy house.

Don’t get me wrong being a mom is the greatest accomplishment in my life. Not my book, not my blogs, not my youtube channel or anything else I’m doing in my life. Being a mom makes me the happiest I could ever be. However, I know this will totally negate everthing I just said about it being great. But, everyday isn’t always sunshine and rainbows. Sometimes its getting a burger with onions and no pickles when clearly you asked for no onions and extra pickles. Mom life is real life and real life is often messy and upsetting.

~Nika xoxo

Creative Kitchen Junior Chef!

Hello Everyone,

This is rather late but I wanted to share it anyway. For those of you who don’t know. My little Autumn Raine loves cooking. For her birthday one of the items on her list was cooking utensils. So, when my mother-in-law called to find out what she wanted I told her, and so we have the Creative Kitchen Junior Chef Kit which Autumn loves. Below you will find her showing you everything that came in her kit.

~Nika xoxo

We purchased her’s from Amazon if you’re interested in ordering one for your little chef.

DIY: Unicorn Birthday Invitations!

DIY Unicorn Birthday Invitations

What you will need:

Paper Trimmer
Paint – I used pigment paint
Vinyl or stencil
Washi Tape
Pencil to trace

First things first, I cut the cardstock into 5×5 cm pieces. Of course, you can cut them into the sizes that fit your needs. Prior to cutting my cardstock, I created a design on my Silhouette Cameo for the unicorn face.

If you don’t have a
Silhouette Cameo cutter or equivalent you can probably just print the stencil from a piece of paper or actual stencil.











Once I did that I traced the face on the card stock using the stencil. Then I traced the ears and horn with a mechanical pencil (not that it makes a difference). After that, I placed the flower stickers right between the ears under the horn. I then colored the ears and horns and began putting the rest of the information like Autumn’s name, age and other important information on the invitations. As well as the washi tape.

I found the metallic washi tape online but you can purchase it anywhere. I thought the scalloped tape looked better on the side. While the patterned green tape looked better on the bottom. Now on to the next step.

The final step is placing the polka dots on the invitation with the paint. I like the mix of pink and aqua green colors. The final result is:

I think it turned out good. Next time I will not hand write the information. I will more than likely use my printer or the pens that came with my Silhouette Cameo. I see a few flaws but, Autumn loved them and couldn’t wait to pass them out to her friends. To me, her happiness is all that matters.


~Nika xoxo



Consistency is hard to do…

I talk about change a lot on here. Over the last 4 weeks so much has been going on in my life. I was doing good on my diet until situations happened with one of my children and I began stress eating for a week then the two weeks that followed that I stopped eating. Which lead to me ending my diet. I just recently started back up this week but unfortunately I’ve been sick and my appetite has again failed me. How? I don’t have one. The last few days my diet consists of eating vanilla ice cream, bananas and oranges when I can.

Along with diet change in my life, I am realizing that no matter how many followers I have on my blog, YouTube channel or Etsy shop. I need to keep things consistent. To constantly stay up to date with my videos, always post weekly on my blog when possible and no matter if I have one customer I need to maintain new items on my Etsy shop. Along with that I have decided to add another day to my YouTube channel. Something I wanted to do on my main channel since day one but never did. I want to play out things my husband and I go through as adults, my experiences growing up and what we deal with as parents. Little skits that put a funny spin on life. Because life isn’t always fair but sometimes I have to laugh through my pain. The things I share may be able to help others get through a hard time.

Now the things I go through with my health and as a parent along with everything else in my life. Makes it hard to be consistent. However, if I don’t try I am failing myself and others that look to me for support and guidance. I don’t want to let anyone down anymore. Especially myself.

-Nika xoxo

Letting Go…

Letting go is hard to do…

When I became a mother all I ever focused on was making sure to take the best care of my children. Making sure they were fed, diapers were changed, naps were given and teaching was being taught. As the children became older. The focus became, making sure they became knowledgeable about the world and their surroundings. Now that I have one adult child, another one going off to college a soon to be 11 grader, 9th grader, 7th grader, 3rd grader and 1st grader next school year. It’s beginning to dawn on me they are really growing up. They will essentially all leave the nest one day. Due to most of the children being so close in age I could potentially have a child going off into the world every 2-4 years. My oldest child is already off on his own (Keith) As well, he texted me two nights ago saying he may be moving to Tennessee. Gulp! & Tears My second oldest (Christopher) will soon be going to college in the fall. Again many tears. My once little babies are all growing up on me.

I’ve been a mother longer than I have been an adult. I was a teen parent yes and not for one moment do I regret it. The point is, I don’t know how to be anything else than be a mother. My life has been solely focused on my children. I knew they would grow up but letting go is so hard to do. I tell my sons when they do things that I don’t agree with or when they get in trouble for schoolwork or bending the rules. You have to decide what type of man you want to be… As well what kind of example they want to show to their baby sister. Their actions may some day determine the type of man she may marry. I often hear that my children are good kids, well-mannered with good values and morals. That they are respectful, sweet, kind and hard-workers. It makes me feel good and lets me know that when they do leave. I know they will be able to make it on their own.

I often share my feelings with my husband (their father) and my therapist (long story) about my feelings. They both say the same thing, “It’s time you start finding things that make you happy. Making more time for Nika & Greg.” My response is how? All I ever wanted was to be everything to my children. Something I never had with my parents. All I ever wanted was to love them unconditionally, make my self available to them whenever they needed me. Again something I didn’t have from my parents. My heart doesn’t let me think about being Nika only about being mom. I will always be mom and they will always need me I know. But sending them off into the world is a scary thing to me. Especially since my heart has always belonged to them. Sending them into the world to start their own lives breaks a piece of me with each child that leaves home.