Recovering from surgery…

Happy Valentine’s Day first and foremost.

So I had my surgery on Friday and I must say when I came home. I was in so much pain I wanted to scream to the high heavens. Knowing that this would have only made things worse, I didn’t. I tried my best to sleep on Friday but my lovely children were so concerned about my well-being I barely got any sleep. I think they were just nervous. My sweet precious children. My daughter of course didn’t want to leave my site and has been doing so much to make me comfortable. Going as far as even following me to the bathroom. I had to put an end to that yesterday. Mama needs her privacy. So how am I feeling today. Well I made the mistake of going down my stairs, what was I thinking? Big mistake is what it was. First off when you have any kind of surgery done to your inside lady parts and the doctors tell you to take it easy. You seriously need to listen. Today is not only Valentine’s Day. It is also my 3rd child’s birthday. So, I wanted to go in the basement to get the presents I had for him. Yes I came from my upstairs bedroom, to the second floor then down to my basement. Two days from surgery. I’ll tell you one thing. I will not be doing that again. Rest means rest. Though being still and not being able to cook or clean is driving me insane, the pain I am feeling is more overbearing than I can take. Therefore, for the first time in my life I must learn to sit still and allow others to help me. Hopefully the next time I post, I will be back to my old self. Up sewing, crafting, blogging, vlogging and most of all back to taking care of my family. Till next time guys and gals…

Nika xoxo

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